Saturday, July 12, 2008

Google Cheat Sheet

Did I say Google again. Well might be you are bored out of using Google but I know you still don't know the basics.

Google has been trying to understand us for a little while now. Firstly by providing us a dream search engine then now they are into google groups,news,maps,calendar,Email service,videos,webhosting,books,web services,Social networking like Orkut etc etc.... just everywhere they can get their tail into. So one day you and me might be eating on a Plate with the Google logo on it with a small camera monitoring our food habits. Does that sound funny to u, if it did then you must be having a good sense of humour.

So from now on whenever I say Google I actually mean to tell the brave Google. The brave Google ??? Recently I was reading a Book on google and I learned that these people are really brave trying to spread up the google services so much that its just impossible for any geeko kid out there to duplicate its network or come into competition.....

Lets get back to the point...

1. Whenever you enter something like 45 + 50 in Google. What Google does is it acts like a calculator and shows the result. Though you can substitute the( + )sign with anything like ( + , - , * , / , ^ , % )
Also when you are searching for time of some place, what google does is shows you the time directly on top of the page. So you dont have to open any webpages.Acting Almost like a brave kid.

2. How to find pages containing the both the word vacation and hawaii ???
To find pages containing the words vacation and hawaii. Just type vacation hawaii in the search box and Google will find it for you.

3. How to find pages with words Maui OR Hawaii ???
Very simple just type Maui or Hawaii in the search box.

4. How to find the exact phrase for example lets say " To each his own " ???
For this type what you want to find with the quotation marks. Might be useful to find documents with a particular lines.

5. How to find a word by excluding another word ???
Lets say you want to find the word virus but not the word computer.
So for this you will have to type virus -computer

What is that you have written there ??? first write the word you want to find then minus(-) the word you want to exclude. Note that there are no spaces after the minus(-) sign, but there is a space after the word virus.

6. How to find only the word sock, and not the plural or any tenses or synonyms ?
+sock ( type this in the search box)
and google will find pages with only the word sock excluding any plural or any tenses or synonyms of the word sock
Note: there are no spaces after the + sign

7. Want to find the loan info for both the word auto and its synonyms: truck, car, etc.
~auto loan ( type this in the search box)

8. How to find definitions of any word ?
Tpye that in the search box and google will find the definitions of the word computer for you.
Note : there are no spaces in between

9.How to find the words separated by one or more words ?
red * blue
Type this into the search box and google will find the words red and blue separated by one or more words.
Note: there is a space after the word red and before the word blue.

10. Did you know why there is a I'm Feeling Lucky button on google homepage?
It Takes you directly to first web page returned for your query.

I have heard many people have had problems when they wanted to search only one site, but when they enter a word in google all it does is search its directory and provides sites related to it. So How to search only one site ???
When you type this in the search box it will Search Stanford University site for admissions info.
Lets break the above into three parts:
(i) what you want to search(its admission in above example)
(ii) then type site: { note there are no spaces}
(iii) then just after site:type the site you want to search(its in above example).

What will google do if i type the above in the search box ??? very nice question
I have already answered it and I feel like answering it again.
So it will simply Search the Stanford University site for admissions info.

12. How to search within a range of numbers ?
Lets say you want to search for a DVD players between $100 and $150 because they are so cheap now. Recently I enquired for a Cassate player( ya the big ones) and that guy told me it would cost Rs. 6000/- for the second hand and thats costly for me so I dumped it on his face.

DVD player $100..150
thats what you have to type to search for what it means to be.

13. How to Find pages that link to the Stanford University website ?
Type this in the search box and google will show you all those pages that link to the Standford University website
Note: there are no spaces in between

14. How to Find information about the Stanford University website ???
Type this and Google will show you the information about the Standford University website.
Note: there are no spaces in between

15. How to Find websites related to the Stanford University website ???
Type this in the google search box and google will show you all the websites related to the Standford University Website. So it will show you websites of other universities.
Note: there are no spaces in between

Get the
Google Cheat Sheet Here.
Not satisfied yet then visit the
Google Support Centre.
Still not satisfied Well then Get the
Google A-Z.

If you still feel unsatisfied then please contact Google personally.

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