Looking for Flickr Tools, hacks and services for a powerful photo sharing experience? Flickr is a revolution in photo storage, sharing and organization , making image management an easy, natural and collaborative process. Get comments, notes, and tags on your photos, post to any blog, share and chat live and more! Flickr claims to be the best online image management and photo sharing application.
If your are a Flickr newbie, read How to get the most out of Flickr, Tips for Flickr Beginners and the Official FAQ. You can also combine Picassa and Gmail to upload photos to Flickr, turn your blog into a moblog and listen to the Flickr Song. Did you know the most popular camera on Flickr was the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT.
You can upload your photos (like jpeg, jpg, gif, png etc.) on Flickr easily via the web or use uploading tools for Mac and Windows to make it easy to upload a batch of hi res photos all at once. You can send your photos into Flickr with a special upload by email address. When you upload photos by email, use the subject line to give your photo a title, and the body of the email to give it a description. If you use a recent Nokia mobile phone, you can post your photos to Flickr via Lifeblog after getting your password.
You can now choose to license the photos you upload to Flickr under a Creative Commons license. In a tie up with Feedburner, Splicing gives people the ability to offer a single RSS feed which contains a chronologically ordered arrangement of their photostream from Flickr and the feed from their existing blog.
Developers interested in adding to this toolset might want to visit the FlickrIdeas forum or investigate the public Flickr API. The Flickr API is now available for non-commercial use by outside developers. Flickr forums are available to every Flickr member as a place to ask questions, suggest features or report a bug.
Official Flickr Tools
* “Send To Flickr” Windows XP Explorer Wizard - Download an executable file which integrates into the Windows XP Explorer system to allow you to publish a batch of photos into Flickr direct from your file system.
* Flickr Export Plugin for iPhoto plugin for iPhoto 4 and 5 - provides a direct export interface to Flickr.com
* Flickr Uploadr for Mac OS X 10.3 or higher - Drag and drop from iPhoto or the Finder, and upload your photos in batches.
* Flickr Uploadr for Windows XP, 2000, ME and 98 -Download an installer (.exe) that allows you to publish a batch of photos into Flickr directly from your computer. Just drag and drop in your photos and add some tags.
* Flickr photo search - search by titles, tags and descriptions
* Flickr Organizr - powerful tool to create sets which help you organize and display your photos.
* Flickr Mail - free email service for users.
* Popular tags - Collection of hot tags and all time popular image tags on Flickr
Third Party Flickr Tools
* Compfight New- uses Flickr’s API to search the database of photos and then feeds back the results as live clickable thumbnails.
* Foldr Monitr - a free tool that runs in the background and watches a selected folder (and optionally subfolders) waiting for you to add photos to it. When photos appear in the folder, Foldr Monitr automatically uploads them to your Flickr account for you.
* Phlogre - is Photo Organizer for local photos and flickr photos. Meant to replace the official Flickr Uploadr.
* Flishr - is a primer application to Download, Upload and Search photos from one central command console on your PC.
* PicMarkr - lets you to add custom watermark (image or text) to your images online and free.
* Flickr Hive Mind - is a data mining tool for the Flickr photography database, allowing search by: metadata tags; Flickr photography groups; Flickr users, contacts, and favorites; text annotation; the Flickr Explore algorithm for interestingness.
* Merkitys–Meaning - application for Symbian S60 smart phones that automatically adding contextual information and allows one click publishing from your phone to your Flickr account.
* Flickr Cover Flow - A cover flow slideshow ala iTunes for your Flickr photos.
* nFlickrViewer - SimpleViewer with full Flickr thumbnail and full-image support
* Flickriver - it allows viewing Flickr photos as an infinite “river of photos”. Also has new ways to explore and view Flickr photographs.
* GratePic - a cross platform tool for posting, commenting and rating photos on flickr.
* Flickr photo owner finder - Helps find who took a particular Flickr photo that you have saved.
* Girls of Flickr - Browse around sexy photos on Flickr
* FlickrSync - is a photo synchronization application for flickr users. Manage all your photos locally and FlickrSync will keep them updated in flickr.
* Statr for Flickr - collects data through api calls and allows you to track and plot page views statistics for your Flickr account.
* imageloopR - Get your favourite Flickr photos in your slideshow.
* Smark - fast ajax interface for tagging pictures on Flickr.
* rTagger - helps organize your Flickr photo collection by allowing you to modify tags offline.
* Desktop Flickr Organizer for Gnome - The application allows online/offline mode management of your photos. You can upload, search and download photos, through the easy to use interface.
* flickrSLiDR - allows you to easily embed the classic flickr slideshows on your website or blog.
* Dojo/Flickr Image Gallery - an Ajax image gallery built on top of Dojo Ajax Toolkit.
* Original Size of Flickr Photo - Insert Flickr photo ID and retrieve original size URL of image.
* Invitr - allows you to specify one (or more) private pictures to be shown to as many/little people as you want.
* Flickr Anywhere - allows you to put flickr in your myspace account or on any webpage with just a quick search. It takes all your public flickr photos and displays them in a compact flash player.
* Flickr Notifier - a RSS notifier that displays images. The pictures pop up on your desktop in real time.
* AlphaLearnr - Flickr Mashup which helps children to learn English Alphabet through photos.
* Mosaica - is a customizable screensaver with a content generated by users of flickr.
* Flickr4Writer - is a simple plugin for Windows Live Writer that enables a user to browse a Flickr user repository and insert an image from Flickr into a Writer post. Application of this tool in Flickr4Outlook and Flickr4Word
* UploadrXL - is a program to upload one or more images to Flickr and add them immediately to your Sets of Groups.
* Pictobrowser - widget to display flickr photos on your blog.
* Flickr set manager - allows you to automatically create new sets on flickr based on various criteria such as interestingness, date posted and tags, or even from a random set of photographs.
* The Most Interesting Pictures By - displays the most interesting pictures of a flickr user.
* Gickr - create an animated Gif from your Flickr photos
* GMiF - embeds a Google Maps in Flickr photo page and displays where the photo was taken on the maps, if the photo is geotagged.
* Fireflix - a flickr uploader / manager extension for Firefox web browser.
* FlickrStorm - a better way to search Flickr. Search for photos in Flickr by Creative Commons license, compile them in a batch and save them.
* WorldInPictures - find pictures close to any specified location.
* FlickrFaves - utility for downloading high-resultion versions of your Flickr favorites to your hard drive.
* Flickr Color Selectr - Find Creative Commons licensed photographs from Flickr by their colors and rate them.
* Flickr Panel - plugin displays images direct from flickr user’s, groups, or tags or a combination of them.
* Localize Bookmarklet - bookmarklet that enables mapping, geocoding and geotagging directly in your Flickr photo page.
* Preloadr - Online image processing and phot optimization of Flickr photos
* Printr Killr - printing out instantly-designed card decks and calendars
from Flickr
* Photo Desktop for Flickr - allows you to edit images before upload. Rotate, flip, tag, name, batch resize, and then batch upload your photos from one simple application.
* Flickstrs - All time greats are selected by factoring in the number of images users have in the flickr explore pages, number of people calling them contacts, and percentage of images that are on the explore pages.
* Flictionary - Type your stream of guesses, Flickr will listen and help you draw new photos.
* Flickr Finder - for Mac OS X Tiger. Easily naviagte your Flickr images.
* GlobeFeed Maps - The geotagged photos from flickr are integrated on Google Map.
* Flickr Flash Puzzle Zone - creates jigsaw puzzle to solve from your searched flickr images
* FlickrViewer - allows you to view a Flickr photo set in SimpleViewer, a popular flash photo viewing tool.
* FlickrFont - converts any text to images, fresh each time the page loads.
* Splashr - a tool for presenting Flickr photos..
* Flickr2Photocast - generates an iPhoto-compatible photocast feed from Flickr containing up to 500 images in their original format/resolution.
* Travelr - lets you display your Flickr photos geographically on a world map.
* FlickrFly - is a script that can be linked from the description or comment of a geotagged Flickr Photo to fly you that location in Google Earth.
* phpFlickr - a PHP client for the Flickr web service. It has functions that return the responses from Flickr’s API in a meaningful way for PHP developers.
* Bubblr - Create comic strips using photos from flickr.
* Sprinklr - allows users to easily and quickly add their photos to various groups.
* Favcol - the background of this page is flickr’s favourite colour
* h4ppierphotos - helps find photos that are not already in sets and/or filter by date and then add them to a new or existing set or tag them.
* Twaingle - a tool that allows you to search for images on flickr or yahoo and insert them directly into an application.
* Flickr Original Viewr - view originals of all flickr images
* Flickr Leech - loads all interestingness photos for a day on a single page. Sort by user id, photoset and group pools.
* ZoneTag - can automatically tag your photos with the location, based on the cell tower, in which they were taken.
* Flickr Mixr - uses RSS feeds provided by flickr and parses them to generate new images.
* Tiltomo - play with their Visual Search code using two sample databases from flickr.
* TagMan - a hangman game for Flickr tags.
* John’s Background Switcher - periodically changes the background image on your computer to a photo from flickr at intervals.
* FlickrLilli - Enables searching for Creative Commons content on Flickr.
* RSS2PDF for Flickr - create PDF archives based on any Flickr newsfeed. The photos must be made public.
* Flickr & Webimager - Screen capture image upload tool based on flickr API.
* We Map Flickr - mashes up Google maps with Flickr to display a map with pictures from around the world.
* Spahk - MobileMashup to View photographs from Flickr based on keywords (tags) or a random sampling of interesting photographs on Java-enabled phones with MIDP 2.0 support.
* Gtalkr - intergrates google talk, gmail, flickr and you tube together.
* Flickrball - is a six-degrees-of-separation game, using Flickr thumbnails and tags for clues.
* Fastr - a game where you are shown a group of pictures from Flickr and have to guess the tag
before other people do.
* FlickrFling - displays the text of news feed with accompanying images from flickr.
* Flickr Logo Maker - enter text and it generates a flickr style logo image
* Loopy - a desktop screensaver application that loops and shows flickr pictures at random.
* Flickr Sets RSS - Created RSS streams for sets of a user on Flickr.
* Flapper - is a Flash 8 interface for Flickr.
* Flickeur - “retrieves random images from Flickr.com and creates a stream-of-consciousness type of video clip”.
* Findr - Find photos on flickr by browsing and refining related tags.
* Wickr - is a widget for browsing through photos on Flickr. You can browse by supplying tags or by giving a Flickr user’s username or email.
* Tickr - scrolls images on your desktop until flickr runs out of images to show you which match the tags you’ve specified.
* Tagnautica - is an experimental navigation tool built to explore the space of related Flickr tags.
* Clockr - see the current time with flickr photos.The Flickr image urls will be stored locally, refreshed every three days to save bandwidth and speed up the start-up time.
* Retrievr - lets you search for photos on flickr by drawing sketches of them.
* Slickr - Flickr screensaver shows images from a user, group, tags, etc. from Flickr.
* Gnickr - manage photos on your Flickr site as if they were local files on your Gnome desktop.
* Captioner - add comic captions for your flickr photos
* Flapi - an open source Flash image gallery that uses Flickr to manage the images.
* Daily Zeitgeist - displays recent photos from Flickr on your website. Built in Flash.
* Wikinews Flickr License Searcher - searches flickr for images licensed under a specific license. Meant to help users of Wikinews find free images for use on the site.
* Yahoo Widgets for Flickr - get flickr related widgets on your desktop after downloading the Yahoo! Widget Engine.
* QuickrFlickr - a quicker way to generate HTML code of Flickr pictures for use in Xanga, other blogs, or any HTML Page.
* CloudTagFlickr - This script pulls your tags from flickr, and arranges them in a number of ways according to the relative counts of the given tags.
* FlickrBuddy - See and download the most interesting pictures of your flickr contacts.
* Most Interesting Pictures - Enter Flickr username to see their most interesting pictures.
* FlickrWallpaper - is a simple desktop wallpaper changer that downloads photos based on tags from flickr.
* FlickrSavr - downloads images based on the criteria specified and creates a slideshow of images and titles.
* Flickrmap - Put a flash based world map on your own website or blog.
* Embedded Flickr Slideshows - All that’s needed is a bit of code to embed them within your website to give your readers something dynamic.
* Flickr hack: All Sizes for all pics - The public API gives directions for constructing the url of any photo based on information in the HTML of every photo page.
* Flickrfs Virtual Flickr Filesystem - Create a virtual userspace filesystem which allows easy uploading/downloading/searching of images through flickr.
* Projects on the construction of identity and flickr - a series of three projects investigating what constitutes the self. egoshotr, fixr and mixrrr
* WordPress Flickr Post Bar plugin - easily insert your Flickr photos into your blog posts.
* Phlickr - is an open source PHP5 based api kit used to access the Flickr API.
* Flickr AutoDownloadr - view Flickr photos in a fullscreen slideshow (Windows). Handy for showing off photos to a group of friends with a laptop and TV.
* Flickratr - vote from 1-10 for different flickr images.
* KFlickr - A standalone Flickr.com uploader for KDE
* FAlbum - a Wordpress plugin that allows you to display your Flickr photos and photosets on your site.
* Flickr Album Maker - Make photoalbums using Flickr photos. Based on the php tools by Oberkampf.
* flickrRSS Plugin - This plugin for WordPress allows you to display a flickr style badge (for a tag, user, user tag or group pool) on your WordPress site.
* Flickr Greasemonkey Scripts - a huge collection of scripts that modify and enhance Flickr.
* EgoWalk - see geographically where all your Flickr contacts live in the United States on a Yahoo! map.
* flickrsavr.py - is a python script that automates the process of saving the URLs (of public photos), and also saves a local copy of thumbnails, and stores descriptions, dates, and tags in a database.
* Photo Comment Tool - One-click grab and publish any Flickr photo into a Flickr photo comment stream or forum post.
* BreadKrumbs - Build instant page to page journeys across Flickr photos. Also works as a good group promotion tool.
* Flickr at Userscripts - More greasemonkey scripts tagged with flickr.
* FlickrFavs - an application for downloading your favorite photos.
* Flickr Explorer - Mass photo downloader for Flickr.
* Flickr Importr - a tool for Windows that allows you to upload images to Flickr and automatically add them to groups and sets.
* Flyr - search flickr for geotagged photos.
* Steeev’s Flickr Projects - a collection of flickr greasemonkey scripts and other Flickr programming projects.
* FlickrRandom - presents randomly-picked photos from Flickr.
* Flickr RSS Widget - a Javascript button you can put on your website that displays thumbnails of the latest photos in any Flickr RSS feed.
* Flickr module for CMS - allows you to integrate your photo albums at flickr.com into you CMS Made Simple based website.
* Mobup - a small J2ME application that manage mobile photo uploads on your Flickr account
* fd’s Flickr Toys - fun tools for Flickr image editing
* QOOP flickr Photo Printer - online photo printing service for your Flickr photos in book form.
* GLFlickrShow - uses OpenGL to produce fullscreen slideshows with transition effects.
* Flickr idGettr - find your Flickr user id number. For some reason, the only way to figure it out is by looking at your RSS stream address.
* Flickr TopToolbar - a Greasemonkey script or a Firefox extension, that insets a toolbar across the top of all Flickr pages.
* Flickr MiniToolbar - a Greasemonkey script or a Firefox extension, that insets a small toolbar above the title of a photo on the photo page.
* Steganography with Flickr - See how steganographied images can be shared with Flickr friends to pass on documents or other files.
* Notifyr - subscribe to a Flickr photo page and get email notifications whenever new images are added.
* Flidget - is a dashboard widget for tiger that allows you to upload your photos.
* Flickr RSS Reader v2 - is an application built in Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Professional that reads RSS Feeds from Flickr.
* FlickrDown - downloading photos from Flickr to save locally easier.
* Flickr Album - an alternative fun way to view images at Flickr.
* Associatr - A tool for browsing related tags on Flickr.
* Lfvr - A light weight flickr viewer.
* Flickr Montager - create photo mosaics using flickr tags.
* Search Plugins:Flickr - searching flickr.
* Glimmr - is a photo uploader for the Flickr web service.
* Longline Tool - composes long line mosaics from the Long Line group pool over at Flickr.
* Grabbr - is a small application to smooth the task of uploading screenshots to Flickr.
* Flickr search plugin - for Mozilla/Firefox browser.
* Flippr! -is a simple application that grabs pictures from Flickr and puts them on your desktop.
* Flickr.rb - Ruby interface to the Flickr photo-sharing service.
* Flickr People Finder - a way of finding people on the big flickr visualization.
* FlickrJ - Java wrapper for the Flickr REST API.
* Flickr Automator Action 0.1 - Automated uploading to Flickr.
* Flickr .NET - A .NET wrapper around the Flickr API. Allows desktop and web applications to provide direct image upload functionality to Flickr and its services.
* Lickr - Flickr causes delay as flash loads. Lickr strips the Flash before the user can even see it, and replaces it with an equivalent interface in pure HTML and Javascript.
* Flickr Screensaver -Turns your computer into a slideshow of Flickr photos when you’re not using it.
* Flickrfox -is an extension for Firefox (version 1.0) that lets you browse your Flickr photostreams in a sidebar.
* jUploadr -is a cross-platform uploader for both linux and windows.
* Degradr -is a Firefox Greasemonkey script to replace flash representations of photos on flicr.com with the image files embedded in those flash files.
* FlickrExport - is a plugin for iPhoto 4 which provides a direct export interface to Flickr.com
* Photoupload - Image uploader to flickr. Upload photos directly to photoset, Use IPTC and EXIF fields in photo description, and generate tags from IPTC keywords.
* flickrate! - is an attempt to give flickr a rating system. Displays most aesthetic, funniest and original photos.
* uploadr.py - Upload images to your Flickr account in Python. Once this script is running, simply drag and drop images into the specified upload folder and watch as your images appear on your flickr account.
* Flickr Tag Related Browser -Just type a search tag and see amazing view of flickr images and browse related tags.
* FlickrClient is a Python interface to the Flickr API.
* FlickrUploadr - is a tool to upload your pictures to Flickr.
* 50 people See - is a program to blend Flickr images which share the same tags. No human is involved in choosing, positioning, or blending the images.
* Spell with Flickr -Generate one picture per letter.
* Flickr Postcard Browser - Browse Flickr Postcards
* Flickr Graph is an application that explores the social relationships inside flickr.com. It makes use of the classic attraction-repulsion algorithm for graphs.
* TripperMap - automatically search your photos at Flickr for location information and plot the photos on your own Trippermap, on your own website.
* dFlickr wraps most functions of the Flickr API and provides the necessary classes to access users/photos/photosets/groups/pools/blogs in Flickr.
* Mappr is an interactive environment for exploring place, based on the photos people take.
* Flickr Color Picker - Using images from the Color Fields group, just click on a color, use the slider to adjust lightness and darkness, and it will show you photos with that color.
* 1001 - is a Mac OS X application for uploading and notifying you when new photos are added to streams you want to watch.
* Flickr Rainbow - displays most recent images from all the users at Flickr which have been tagged with the colours of the rainbow.
* Flickr photos on your TiVo is an application for the new TiVo HME which can display Flickr pictures on your TiVo
* flickReplacr bookmarklet - to swap a flickr pic for that word.
* Kubrickr is a tool that lets you replace the header of your WordPress blog with a nice photo from Flickr.
If you really get addicted onto Flickr - Upgade to a Pro Account and get more monthly upload limit, unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited photosets with permanent archiving of high resolution original images. So have you Flickr-ed today!
Add Your Flickr Tool - Post a comment to get your flickr tool posted here. A backlink would be appreciated.
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